When a husband shows sudden changes in his behavior women get worried whether these could be signs of divorce. They will try to find out the reasons behind these behavioral changes thinking they could be all linked to their separation. But all men are different and the reason for the changes in behavior of one man could be entirely different for another. Though in cases of divorce, the decision of the husband depends on his level of commitment to his relationship. Here I will point out few things that could be warning signs of a divorce from your husband and how you can tackle these signs and save your marriage.
Frequency of communication between both of you has become shorter - One of the main reasons of divorce is to backing out of a marriage emotionally. You will observe that your phone conversations and talks are getting shorter and shorter and your discussions get limited only to topics that are to be discussed at the present time. Discussions involving your dreams, hopes, your family future plans, etc would have disappeared.
Ofcourse, when it comes to marriage you obviously talk about these things but when there is an absence or intimacy, flirting, light hearted talks and the conversation sticks to only household things, this raises a serious red flag.
Spending less time with each other - This is something that happens gradually and its hardly noticeable during initial stages. But when such changes are noticed husbands will throw a lot of excuses to their wives about how they are busy and don't fully engage with them. Spending time and having fun would have become less frequent. And when these things happen it appears to be forced and not something mutual.
Lack of love and intimacy - This is one of the big alerts that shows signs of separation. An I'm not just talking about sex here. You will notice that there is less frequent hugs, cuddling, hand holding, intimate stares, or anything else that used to show your husband's love towards you. Which leads to less frequent sex as well.
Though there are times when stress takes over your emotions are intimacy takes a backseat, couples who truly love each other and are committed to their relationship will find a way to be intimate and love each other.
What to do when you husband shows these signs of divorce? - The best thing a woman can do when a husband starts showing such behavioral changes is to put all her feelings on the table. It is better to put these things forward than to ignore them hoping that they will just vanish. Have a mature discussion without your husband when he is in his best mood about how he is distancing himself from you and what you can do to make things better. Take inputs from him and give your own inputs how they can be resolved. Educate yourself with methods that will make your bonds stronger.
What if your husband asks for a divorce or if its too late? - Lets face the truth, nothing is ever truly late. If you really want to save your marriage there is no forces in the nature that can stop you from saving it. If your husband is unsure of your relationship, then it is time to take some serious action.
When couples are truly in love, they fell they are on top of the world. Think about the reasons that made you love each other in the first place. When you were dating you would have invested a lot of time and affection on each other which resulted in stronger bonds of love and commitment.
It is agreeable that once you are married your commitment will get diverted to your job, children, responsibilities, etc and not spend much time on your marriage, but every couple in the world goes through this phase. But going through these phase together and strengthening your bonds along with it is what makes marriage such a beautiful relationship, right? If you make committed attempt you will be making a great help on your marriage.

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